
I'm Dmitry Dragilev, founder of TopicRanker. Over the last 10 years I've helped 150+ companies such as Dow Jones, MarketWatch, Realtor.com, Hubspot, Pipedrive, Wistia, Backlinko, CultureAmp rank #1 on Google. I used SEO to grow a startup from 0 to 40M pageviews a month and got acquired by Google. I created TopicRanker to help you do the same!

I've dabbled in SEO ever since I started CriminallyProlific.com my blog and consulting business back in 2012. I owe most of my successes in professional career to SEO:


Founded & scaled Smallbiz.tools - a business tools review site (Acquired by SemRush in 2023)


Founded & scaled JustReachOut.io - AI Powered PR software from 0 to 5000 customers. (Acquired in 2020)


Scaled Polar Polls from 0 to 40M page views (Acquired by Google in 2014)


Founded PRThatConverts.com - a coaching program which has helped 800+ small businesses rank #1 on Google and get regular press mentions

I founded TopicRanker to help everyone who is trying to rank #1 on Google do so more efficiently and easily by finding and targeting those easy to rank keywords.

I interview folks who had success scaling their businesses through SEO to help our customers apply the same tactics.

Here are some of my favorite:

With Tim Ferriss

With Tim Ferriss


Neil Patel

Neil Patel


Janice Taylor

Janice Taylor
