About TopicRanker

We are passionate about helping content creators outrank their competition. TopicRanker is a software company founded by Dmitry Dragilev based in New Hampshire. We believe that high-quality keyword research should be based on actual weak spots in SERP.

The Team Behind TopicRanker

Dmitry Dragilev
Dmitry Dragilev
CEO, Founder
Over the last 12 years Dmitry scaled a startup Polar from 0 to 40M pageviews per month which was acquired by Google in 2014, founded and scaled an affiliate blog Smallbiz.tools which was acquired by SemRush in 2023, and founded a Saas startup JustReachOut.io which was acquired by SEOJet in 2020 and re-acquired again by early employees from Slack in 2024. Dmitry has advised a number of brands, including: Nextiva, Aura, SwanBitcoin, Groove, Helpscout, DowJones, Barrons, MarketWatch, Realtor.com, Pipedrive, Wistia, and Culture Amp. He doesn't take himself too seriously. Unless he's setting new personal records at Crossfit.
Mykyta Arkhirei
Mykyta Arkhirei
Mykyta has worked with Dmitry on his last software business JustReachOut.io - a company which was acquired in 2020 by SEOJet and re-acquired again in 2024 by early employees of Slack. Dmitry jokes that he’s never seen anyone build a product and implement new features with the same speed, quality and precision as Mykyta. When not working, he enjoys the usual stuff - traveling, hanging out with his family, and doing anything outdoors.
Alec Harrison
Alec Harrison
Head of Design
Alec and Dmitry first collaborated about a decade ago while working for Fresh Tilled Soil, a Boston-based design firm. The two have kept in touch and reunited when Dmitry asked for some design help for his latest project. Alec is the founder of VisualBoston, a premier UX/UI design firm based in seacoast New Hampshire serving clients all over the world. Alec has 10+ years of experience leading iOS, Android and Web-based product design from concept to launch.
Charlee Harmon
Charlee Harmon
Head of Content
Charlee was introduced to Dmitry by a mutual connection and started working on content for TopicRanker in 2023. Charlee has 4+ years of experience writing content with a track record of ranking clients on page 1 of Google. Dmitry jokes that her articles will rank in the top 10 results right out of the gate because she has magic powers. When not working, Charlee enjoys reading a good book and spending time outdoors.

The TopicRanker Mission

To provide affordable SEO software to help people make more informed decisions around their keyword research strategy and to reveal weak spots in SERP data in an accessible and transparent way.

Our Vision:

We’re excited to continue building tools so that SEO professionals can create value in an ever changing search landscape. Our community’s strength is found in sharing the most current information and enthusiasm for all things SEO.

Tell us if this sounds familiar...

  1. You want to organically rank on Google for more relevant terms.
  2. You open up a keyword research tool and punch in a term you want to rank for
  3. You check out the report of 100+ related keyword suggestions, you look at their keyword difficulty scores to determine which one to go after
  4. You choose a keyword that looks good and assign it to your content team to create and publish the article.
  5. Three months later you’re still ranking on Page 3 of Google. You’re frustrated!

What happened?

Over the last 12 years doing SEO, countless clients have told us:

"This page won’t rank, can you help make it rank?"

Our immediate response is:

"Does it deserve to rank? Is there an actual problem or weak spot you see on the search results that warrant you to take someone else’s place in SERP?"

The problem with the above process is that you skipped SERP analysis on the suggested keyword. You have no idea if the search results have a problem or a weak spot such as:

  • Low authority & backlinks sites ranking in top 10 spots
  • Title mismatch - the search query googled does not match the title
  • Outdated content
  • Content lacks thoroughness, is too general
  • Poor UX and usability on the page - content hard to read
  • Poor load score on mobile for top 10 ranking
  • etc.

We’ve used this practice of finding weak spots on SERPs for years in our consulting and have helped many clients rank #1 on Google simply by going after under-optimized SERPs.

Of course, the trick is finding the under-optimized SERP and knowing what you need to fix to outrank all the pages on it.

We built TopicRanker to automate the process of SERP analysis and keyword research.

We take the time to generate thousands of related keywords, load Google’s search results for each one and use AI to scan and detect weak spots on pages ranking in top 10 positions.

We only recommend actual easy-to-rank keywords for you to target and show you the exact weak spots we find in search results.

Each keyword we suggest for you must have 3 or more of the following weak spots in top 10 ranking pages on Google SERP:

  • Domain has lower authority vs. yours site
  • Domain has less backlinks vs. your domain
  • Page title tag does not match search query
  • Page has outdated content
  • Content lacks thoroughness, is too general
  • Poor Google Page Speed Insights load score on mobile
  • Poor readability
  • High spam score
  • Outdated Reddit, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter posts

This is how TopicRanker suggests high potential keywords. These terms will be easy to rank for and we can actually tell you what is missing and what needs to change. We’re here for you every step of the way. Let us do the heavy lifting.